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The photographs were obtained from the photo bank of the Czech Tourism Authority.
Created by: VIRTUAL ZOOM s.r.o. ®
The roadshow is a half-day professional event filled with lectures covering various aspects of business in the hospitality industry.
With this series of lectures offering insights into the current challenges and opportunities faced by accommodation and food service operators, we travel to various regions every year.
Přijďte na Roadshow netradičně mimo hotelové prostředí do PVA Expo Letňany v Praze.
More informationsNa první Roadshow v roce 2024 vás zveme letos poprvé do moderně zrekonstruovaného hotelu OREA Congress v Brně, který disponuje největším plně vybaveným kongresovým centrem v regionu.
More informationsNa druhou Roadshow v roce 2024 vás zveme do Karlových Varů tradičně již do hotelu Thermal, který je jednou z dominant lázeňského města.
More informationsCollaboration with partner companies represents an important element of our support for members. The association carefully selects partners who provide high-quality products and services relevant to hospitality operators. Event participants thus have the opportunity to gain access to top-notch products and services that can significantly enhance the quality of their operations.